Sunday, October 10, 2010

...Don't say "wind farm." I'm already feeling gassy...

I really really really love this advertisement.  Our society has had an enormous push in the last 25 years for finding renewable energy.  Finding renewable sources of building materials.  Finding things to incorporate into our lives that wont tax our planet any more than we already do.  Out of all the animal species in the world, we are the only ones that are truly detrimental to our home.

Science has proven that our planet continuously cycles through regeneration over millions of years.  We have a very limited existence compared to our planet, but we understand through the shifting of tectonic plates and the earth's molten core, there is a recycling process that occurs.  By extracting fossil fuels and burning various elements out of our planet, what building blocks are we removing that will be necessary in a future earth?  It is no wonder to me that by burning these elements we are also destroying the atmosphere--those elements belong in the earth, not in the air.  Most scientist believe there were hundreds of pivotal moments in evolution that brought us into being.  The miracle that is human life came to exist because certain elements happened to merge together. Those elements happened to be photosynthetic and stimulated by the sun.  The resulting combination of precise heat and chemical combinations started the building blocks that created blah blah blah... each step in the process has a critical moment that must have occurred or none of us would be here.  So what inertia have we ceased by removing such a large percentage of fossil fuel variables?  The equation of the future has been dramatically altered by our existence--and it needs to end before we become our own undoing.

Looking forward, there are so many awesome, renewable substances we can use that have such a low impact on our environment.  Recycling innovations are even starting to find uses for discarded plastic bags by turning them into wood composite products to make weather resistant decking.  By harnessing wind and water movement and transitioning into vehicles and utilities based solely on electric, we could greatly reduce our footprint.   As we look into the future, we need to make sure our planet is still the beautiful, lush, green place it was when we came to inhabit here.


  1. I think this is great and people do need to realize that earth is our home and we cannot keep trashing it. This isn't our world, this is the next generations and we have to think what it will be like in 200 years if we keep trashing it.

    UNT has implemented an awesome way of generating energy via elliptical machines in the rec center. People use the machines and then the machines convert the force used into energy for our school.

  2. I really like that video it is a much more creative approach to introducing renewable energy. While the earth does go through cycles of heating and cooling there is science that proves humans are significantly increasing this process. After each ice age the earth rises in temperature and has at times been much hotter then it is now. However since the start of the industrial revolution the earth has been heating at much much faster rates.
    We need to start switching to renewable resources and more earth friendly methods. This is not only our world but many [hopefully] generations to come plus it is home to thousands of plant and animal species.
    I also like Joe's point, there were very specific conditions that brought us into being by using so many fossil fuels what future life forms are we eliminating.

  3. Building wind farm to capture convert natural recourse into energy is actually quite arguable. Researches have proved that building wind farms might affect animals' habits, especially birds'. People should be very careful in finding a newer energy, in order not to cause a new series of problems.
