Saturday, September 25, 2010

Have you been born again?

I have literally laughed out loud for several minutes now at this particular advertisement.  First of all, I just thought it was funny to have used such an iconic painting with several deep meanings to do something as mundane as pushing the elevator button.  Secondly, the elevator takes you up to a Plastic Surgeon's office with a caption that reads, "Be Born Again."  Well, I think that is ingenious.  It precisely and effectively gives the impression of a doctor who has the confidence that he can shape you into the image you would have given yourself if you were god.

Most of my blogs go on for paragraph after wordy paragraph, but I think the advertisement speaks for itself here.  Basically, the world will never stop trying to improve how we look or at least be overly conscious of our looks.  We can talk all we want about how wrong it is for stereotypes to manipulate the way we perceive our bodies but honestly... are we really going to stop?  I want to go to this doctor and have work done myself.  I love my dad, but I'm going to start looking like him in another 20 years and that won't work for me.  I can't wait to make enough money to start having things fixed.  And I honestly don't think that will ever change.

Centuries from now, if someone comes across this ad, they will probably think it's funny and use it and everyone will say how clever he was--and of course he'll take the credit--and I don't think I would blame him one bit.


  1. Wow, this is pretty smart of advertisement there. Of course probably only those who seek to go under the knife would only enjoy this painting, but i bet not to the same meaning as all those who may have seen this painting decades ago. It just shows you that anything can be advertised and just catch certain peoples attention rather it's for business or whatever.

  2. Nice advertisement! Plastic surgery has become more acceptable than it would have been ten years ago. However, many people are still debating whether it's good or bad. In some countries such as Korea, plastic surgery is perfectly normal, and people are sometimes encouraged to have it done. Again, it's our society which values physical looking and materialism promote plastic surgery.

  3. This is definitely the coolest thing I've seen all day. It's as if it's saying touch the hand of God and be "healed," as if there is something to be healed. I think the bottom line is this: It gets the point across clearly, but the message is a bit controversial.
