Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Cultural Artifact Pt 2: The Real Assignment

Discrimination has been a major issue for our society during most of recorded history.  Within the last several hundred years, we have struggled to move mankind forward and away from those antiquated feelings however slow the process may be.  As represented in this image, one of the most recent fights has been to encourage the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle in modern society.

The author sends a message that these gay men are in a loving relationship that would be bonded by marriage if they were a straight couple.  Many commonplace values would insist that the allowance of these unions would challenge the sanctity of marriage or somehow alter the legitimacy of male/female unions.  However, most gay people simply want the legal recognition of their relationship.

If a person of another culture or a person of our future were to stumble upon this image, it could send several messages depending on the decision made by the public--since it still stands unresolved.  If we currently make a decision stating that it is wrong to allow same sex couples to marry, the debate could still be heated in 200 years.  Alternately, if the unions are allowed, a young person in 200 years could possibly see gay marriage as such commonplace that they could not understand why it was ever in question (much like we today perceive slavery).

It is my belief that regardless of the outcome from this particular situation, we will continue to challenge beliefs and ideas throughout the rest of human evolution on innumerable topics.  It is part of our nature and an exercise in our individuality to question and debate the circumstances of our collective lives.